Monday, February 3, 2025

選主題:「宗徒大事錄」:Chapter 2 火的舌頭 Claire Tabouret, (萊爾·塔伯萊) 設計巴黎聖母院南柱間的新彩色玻璃窗者

 選主題:「宗徒大事錄」:Chapter 2   火的舌頭      Claire Tabouret, (萊爾·塔伯萊) 設計巴黎聖母院南柱間的新彩色玻璃窗者  

 Pentecost :五旬節;聖神降臨日;聖神降臨瞻禮:紀念耶穌復活後第五十日派遣聖神降臨(宗二 2-4 );是教會的大慶節,因為是日教會正式向全人類傳佈福音的任務。稱五旬節(主日),源自希臘文 pentesoste 五十日節,原指猶太人逾越節五十天后所舉行的感恩慶典-五旬節,亦即收成(豐年)節。早期基督宗教(借)用五旬節慶祝復活節後第五十天的聖神降臨。

Claire Tabouret, (萊爾·塔伯萊) 設計巴黎聖母院南柱間的新彩色玻璃窗者   選主題:「宗徒大事錄」:Chapter 2   火的舌頭

Pentecost Sunday: The Holy Spirit Comes as Tongues of Fire ...
In the Bible, tongues of fire appear in the book of Acts when the Holy Spirit descends on the disciples on the day of Pentecost. 
Bible verse 
  • Acts 2:3"They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them"

Previous宗徒大事錄:Chapter 2Next




She Was Chosen to Help Rebuild Notre-Dame. Then Fire Hit Her Adopted City, Too.

Claire Tabouret, an artist in Los Angeles, was chosen to create new stained glass windows for the Paris cathedral. She never expected fires to shatter her sense of safety in California.

Claire Tabouret in her Los Angeles studio, with vibrant sketches for the new stained-glass windows she is designing for Notre-Dame’s southern bays.Credit...Tag Christof for The New York Times

Claire Tabouret in her Los Angeles studio, with vibrant sketches for the new stained-glass windows she is designing for Notre-Dame’s southern bays.Credit...克萊爾·塔伯萊 (Claire Tabouret) 在她的洛杉磯工作室裡,手拿她為巴黎聖母院南灣??設計的新彩色玻璃窗的生動草圖。

Credit...Tag Christof for The New York Times

“The idea of using and reusing and transforming is part of the history of this building,” she said. “Each renovation does modify what was before. So it would be kind of weird to freeze it in time.”

“We have to trust our art,” she added, “the same way every century before us trusted our artists.”

The interior architecture of the cathedral rises on three levels, illuminated by large stained glass windows. A double ambulatory is arranged around the nave. The Gothic style is characterized by its ribbed vaulting.

中殿是供信徒在禮拜儀式中使用的,需要巨大的空間來容納大量的信徒。它決定了建築物的尺寸。它從地面一直延伸到拱頂,構成了建築物的中心容器。巴黎聖母院的中殿建於1182年,共有四個開間。 1208 年,建造西立面時暫停施工,1218 年又恢復施工。隔間對應於每個柱子之間的空間。前兩個開間支撐建築物直至塔樓,同時也作為通過門洞後的過渡。柱子、拱廊、壁柱和圓柱增強了垂直效果。這些垂直線條被拱廊和柱頭水平打破。垂直和水平之間的這種規則節奏賦予了中殿極大的和諧感

The Nave

Reserved for the faithful during services, the nave requires a vast space to accommodate a large number of worshippers. It determines the dimensions of the building. Raised from the ground to the vaults, it forms the central vessel of the building. The construction of the nave of Notre-Dame began in 1182 with four bays. After a pause to build the west facade in 1208, construction resumed in 1218. It consists of ten bays. A bay corresponds to the space between each pillar. The first two bays support the building up to the towers and also serve as a transition after passing through the portal. Pillars, arcades, pilasters, and columns accentuate the effect of verticality. These verticals are broken horizontally by arcades and capitals. This regular rhythm between verticals and horizontals gives the nave great harmony.

1a=bay window 1

Saturday, December 21, 2024



  1. 因為那時必有大災難,是從宇宙開始,直到如今從未有過的,將來也不會再有;
  2. 並且那些時日如不縮短,凡有血肉的,都不會得救;但為了那些被選的,那些時日,必將縮短。
  3. 那時,若有人對你們說:看,默西亞--彌賽亞---在這裏,或說在那裏! 你們不要相信,
  4. 因為將有假默西亞和假先知興起,行大奇蹟和異蹟,以致如果可能,連被選的人也要被欺騙。
In Matthew 24 Jesus states:
For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. [Matthew 24:21, 24 NKJV]

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Scripture, that ‘for everything there is a season.’”傳教士托尼·坎波洛Tony Campolo去世,享年 89 歲瑪竇福音:Chapter 25 敦促他的福音派同胞遠離政治,轉而支持耶穌所倡導的慈善和愛的價值觀。信仰要求他們首先與貧困和種族主義作鬥爭,


傳教士托尼·坎波洛Tony Campolo去世,享年 89 歲瑪竇福音:Chapter 25 敦促他的福音派同胞遠離政治,轉而支持耶穌所倡導的慈善和愛的價值觀。信仰要求他們首先與貧困和種族主義作鬥爭,

Along with teaching, Dr. Campolo recruited undergraduates to volunteer in struggling neighborhoods of Philadelphia; to further that work, he founded the Evangelical Association for the Promotion of Education in 1971. It became the umbrella organization for years of ministry outreach, including helping to found schools in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. He announced in 2014 that he was shutting it down, saying that he believed, “in accord with Scripture, that ‘for everything there is a season.’”


挑戰宗教權利的傳教士托尼·坎波洛去世,享年 89 歲

His lodestar was Chapter 25 in the book of Matthew, which warns that Christ will judge his followers by the compassion they showed to “the least of these” among humanity.

瑪竇福音:Chapter 25Next



 44 Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?

45 Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.

46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

【台南東門巴克禮紀念教會.台語查經班.20241119】 1. 讚美:《聖詩》552首 2. 經文:《舊約聖經.創世記》第40章起 3. 訊息:改革宗「五個唯獨」


1. 讚美:《聖詩》552首

2. 經文:《舊約聖經.創世記》第40章起

3. 訊息:改革宗「五個唯獨」

Sunday, September 22, 2024


 The statements attributed to Jesus across the Gospels, both canonical and non-canonical, resonate with a profoundly mystical understanding of divinity, one that transcends traditional dogma and points toward an inherent unity between humanity and God. Each of these passages reveals layers of insight about the nature of our true self, the divine spark within us, and the potential for spiritual realization.

1. John 10:34 – “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I have said you are gods’?”

In this moment, Jesus echoes Psalm 82:6, where God declares, "You are gods; you are all sons of the Most High." This assertion cuts to the core of spiritual identity. Jesus, in responding to accusations of blasphemy, doesn't merely defend himself; he highlights a deeper truth about humanity itself. The phrase "you are gods" is not a metaphor or a distant theological abstraction. It is a revelation that each human being is imbued with divine essence.

We are not separate from God, standing before an external deity in fear or submission. Rather, within each of us lies the capacity to realize our own divinity. This is not about ego or elevating oneself in pride but about remembering the sacred within—the spark of the Infinite that animates us all. By acknowledging this, we tap into the power to transform our consciousness, no longer seeing ourselves as limited beings but as divine co-creators in the universe.

2. Luke 17:21 – “The Kingdom of God is within you.”

Here, Jesus directs our attention inward. The Kingdom of God, often thought of as a distant realm or an eschatological promise, is not something to be found "out there" but exists within the very core of our being. This profound statement invites us to shift our focus from seeking salvation externally to recognizing that divine reality is an intrinsic part of who we are.

The "Kingdom" is not merely a place but a state of consciousness, an inner awakening to our oneness with the Divine. When we turn inward, shedding the layers of ego, illusion, and separation, we uncover this kingdom of peace, wisdom, and love. This internal kingdom is timeless, unshaken by the external chaos of the world, and it is only through self-realization and inner stillness that we can enter it. Jesus’s message here is deeply aligned with Hermetic and mystical traditions that teach that the ultimate truth and divine presence reside within, awaiting our discovery.

3. John 14:12 – “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.”

This is a declaration of the immense potential within every human soul. Jesus, revered for his miracles and teachings, emphasizes that his works are not exceptional but a demonstration of what is possible for all who embody the same divine consciousness. The "greater things" speak to an evolutionary process—the awakening of divine power in more profound ways within humanity.

Jesus’s message here is that we are not to be mere followers, idolizing his life and works, but rather we are to embody the same Christ consciousness that he demonstrated. To “believe in him” is not to engage in blind faith but to align with the divine truth he represents. His life is an invitation for us to awaken to our own divine nature and to realize that we, too, can manifest the miraculous when we transcend the limitations of the ego and attune to the infinite creative potential within.

4. The Gospel of Thomas – "When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will understand that you are children of the living Father."

The Gospel of Thomas, one of the more esoteric texts of early Christianity, offers a glimpse into a mystical understanding of Jesus’s teachings. Here, the path to realizing one’s divine nature is through self-knowledge. The phrase "when you know yourselves" suggests that our ignorance of our true divine identity is the primary obstacle to spiritual awakening. The journey is inward—when we truly know the essence of who we are, we come to understand that we are, in fact, “children of the living Father,” sharing in the same divine source as Jesus himself.

This idea challenges the notion of separation between the divine and the human. The key to the Kingdom of God is found in this inner knowing. To recognize our divine origin is to awaken to our limitless potential, our innate divinity, and the reality that the "living Father" is not a distant being but the very life force that flows through us. This text places emphasis on gnosis, or spiritual knowledge, as the means of awakening to the truth of our nature and destiny.

"He who understands my message will become like I am, and I will become like he, and the hidden things will be revealed to him."

This passage from the Gospel of Thomas encapsulates the core of Jesus’s mystical teachings. The idea that the one who understands will “become like I am” points to the transformative power of true spiritual understanding. Jesus does not position himself as the unattainable ideal, but as a mirror reflecting our own potential. The process of understanding his message is not intellectual but experiential—it is a realization that leads to becoming, to embodying the same divine consciousness.

When he says, "I will become like he," it speaks to the unity of Christ consciousness and individual consciousness. There is no separation between the teacher and the disciple in the highest understanding; both are expressions of the same divine reality. As we come into this realization, the “hidden things”—the mysteries of life, the universe, and our purpose—are revealed to us. It is not that these mysteries are concealed by God, but rather, they are hidden by our own ignorance. When we awaken, we see clearly the interconnectedness of all things and our place within the divine order.

A Unified Understanding: We Are Gods, Awaken to the Divine Self

The teachings of Jesus, especially when viewed through the lens of both canonical and non-canonical texts, are radical in their implications. Jesus did not come to establish a hierarchy where he is to be worshipped as the singular Son of God while the rest of humanity remains distant and inferior. Instead, he came to reveal that we, too, are children of God, with the same divine potential within us.

To "know yourself" is to realize that the divine is not something separate from you, but the very essence of your being. The Kingdom of God is not a future reward, but a present reality accessible through the realization of this truth. As we awaken to our divine nature, we no longer see Jesus as an unattainable ideal but as an embodiment of the same Christ consciousness that exists within all of us. His life, his works, and his message are not to be revered from a distance but to be lived and embodied.

In understanding this, we break free from the illusion of separation—from God, from one another, and from our true selves. The hidden things are revealed not through external revelation but through inner transformation. We become co-creators, aligned with the divine flow, capable of "greater works" as we awaken to the truth that we, too, are gods.

This is the essence of Jesus’s message, hidden in plain sight for those with the eyes to see and the heart to understand.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

十三維談新約中的‘’ 恨‘’、“孝”等






「惱恨」原文是古希臘語「μισεῖ」,即英文的(he / she) hates,直譯為「惱恨」,字面上沒有錯,只是中文讀者未必明白耶穌的原意。耶穌當時講的是亞蘭語,跟希伯來語同屬閃族語系,在希伯來語及亞蘭語的習慣用法中,「恨」往往有特別意思,不能照中文字面理解。

例如希伯來聖經的申命紀21:15:「一人如有兩妻,一為所愛,一為所惡」,其中「所惡」的希伯來文為שְׂנוּאָה (senu'ah) ,直譯是「被恨」,但這裏意思只是說,比起另一妻子,這位妻子「不被偏愛」、「沒那麼受寵」。同理,路加福音的「μισεῖ」(恨)只是亞蘭語直譯,意思則保留亞蘭語特殊意義,不是表達「絕對的惱恨」,而是「相對上沒那麼愛」。


「聽了天主的話而實行的,纔是我的母親和我的兄弟。(Μήτηρ μου καὶ ἀδελφοί μου οὗτοί εἰσιν, οἱ τὸν λόγον τοῦ θεοῦ ἀκούοντες καὶ ποιοῦντες.)」







Sunday, April 28, 2024




梵谷割耳朵事件,畫家個人的reasoning 其實有聖經根據。






可惜神GOD給他胸中一根刺精神疾病太過嚴重,以至於他與世界格格不入 。



