0:00 / 16:17
馮象大家:馮象譯注聖經《摩西五經》2006《智慧書》2008《新約》2010《先知書》2020;(香港:牛津大學出版社)。《貝奧武甫:古英語史詩》1992、《木腿正義》1999、《 玻璃島 》2003、《 政法筆記 》2004、《 創世紀 》2004、《寬寬信箱與出埃及記》2007、《 信與忘:約伯福音及其他 》2012、《以賽亞之歌》2017、《聖詩擷英》2017、https://hctranslations.blogspot.com/....../blog-post......
馮象大家:馮象譯注聖經《摩西五經》2006《智慧書》2008《新約》2010《先知書》2020;(香港:牛津大學出版社)。《貝奧武甫:古英語史詩》1992、《木腿正義》1999、《 玻璃島 》2003、《 政法馮象大家:馮象譯注聖經《摩西五經》2006《智慧書》2008《新約》2010《先知書》2020;(香港:牛津大學出版社)。《貝奧武甫:古英語史詩》1992、《木腿正義》1999、《 玻璃島 》2003、《 政法
英國首相等報告台有三強調:Hand洗手, Face戴口罩, Space 保持社交距離。
「 (北京南下上海車上)……..與沙菲談,她說love 是人生唯一的事;我說love 只是人生的一件事,只是人生許多活動的一種而已。她說:「這是因為你是男子。」
其實今日許多少年人都誤在輕信love 是人生唯一的事。」-----《胡適日記》1931.1.5
「James和諸位朋友: 感謝轉播和品點: 文字意在紀念70年代初大肚山的一些人與事.他們只存在想像國度.... 」
清晨 送報的伯母 風雨無阻 叮嚀
從美軍電台的《月光》 迎向《人子》
花園內 祖輩孫女相依 你擔起雙肩 感恩 灌溉
竹林老和尚 放下癡情 普濟寺樹庭下的素餐
夢谷的頑石 紅土的印象 蘋果綠的水袖
在星光燦爛的圖書館引道之外 等妳千年
你看 路思義的鏡牆上
昔日的舞姿凍結 霧
The State Hall or "Prunksaal" is the heart of the Austrian National Library and one of the most beautiful library halls in the world. The stunning building is the largest Baroque library in Europe and it's imperial history and flair are expressed through numerous frescoes and an elaborately decorated dome.
Austrian National Library collections[edit]
- Department of Broadsheets, Posters and Ex Libris: 330,000 objects (broadsheets, posters and Ex Libris)
- Department of Manuscripts, Autographs and Closed Collections: From the 4th century to the present day: late antique, medieval and modern manuscripts from almost every literate culture.
- Department of Music: Austria's music archives, and great collection of autographs, it is also one of the largest libraries in the world.
- Austrian Literary Archives
- Picture Archive
- Department of Incunabula, Old and Precious Books:
- incunabula (books printed before 1500),
- printed works from the period 1501-1850 and
- printed bibliophile rarissima of no specific period.
- Archives of the Austrian Folk Song Institute[10]
- Austrian National Library Museums
- State Hall[11]
- Globe Museum: 380 globes and scientific instruments including terrestrial and celestial globes made before 1850[12]
- Papyrus Museum:[13]
- Papyri 137,864
- Archaeological documents (without papyri) 50,769
- Museum objects 5
- Books and serials 14,049
- Microforms 555
- Audiovisual materials 2,292
- Picture documents 16,944
- Department of Planned Languages and Esperanto Museum[12]