選主題:「宗徒大事錄」:Chapter 2 火的舌頭 Claire Tabouret, (萊爾·塔伯萊) 設計巴黎聖母院南柱間的新彩色玻璃窗者
Pentecost :五旬節;聖神降臨日;聖神降臨瞻禮:紀念耶穌復活後第五十日派遣聖神降臨(宗二 2-4 );是教會的大慶節,因為是日教會正式向全人類傳佈福音的任務。稱五旬節(主日),源自希臘文 pentesoste 五十日節,原指猶太人逾越節五十天后所舉行的感恩慶典-五旬節,亦即收成(豐年)節。早期基督宗教(借)用五旬節慶祝復活節後第五十天的聖神降臨。
Claire Tabouret, (萊爾·塔伯萊) 設計巴黎聖母院南柱間的新彩色玻璃窗者 選主題:「宗徒大事錄」:Chapter 2 火的舌頭In the Bible, tongues of fire appear in the book of Acts when the Holy Spirit descends on the disciples on the day of Pentecost.Bible verse
- Acts 2:3: "They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them"
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1五旬節日一到,眾人都聚集一處。 |
2忽然,從天上來了一陣響聲,好像暴風颳來,充滿了他們所在的全座房屋。 |
3有些散開好像火的舌頭,停留在他們每人頭上, |
4眾人都充滿了聖神,照聖神賜給他們的話,說起外方話來。 |
5那時,居住在耶路撒冷的,有從天下各國來的虔誠的猶太人。 |
6這聲音一響,就聚來了許多人,都倉皇失措,因為人人都聽見他們說自己的方言。 |
7他們驚訝奇怪地說:「看,這些說話的不都是加里肋亞人嗎? |
8怎麼我們每人聽見他們說我們出生地的方言呢? |
9我們中有帕提雅人、瑪待人、厄藍人和居住在美索不達米亞、猶太及卡帕多細雅、本都並亞細亞、 |
10夫黎基雅和旁非里雅、埃及並靠近基勒乃的利比亞一帶的人,以及僑居的羅馬人、 |
11猶太人和歸依猶太教的人、克里特人和阿剌伯人,怎麼我們都聽見他們用我們的話,講論天主的奇事呢?」 |
12眾人都驚訝猶豫,彼此說:「這是什麼事?」 |
She Was Chosen to Help Rebuild Notre-Dame. Then Fire Hit Her Adopted City, Too.
Claire Tabouret, an artist in Los Angeles, was chosen to create new stained glass windows for the Paris cathedral. She never expected fires to shatter her sense of safety in California.Claire Tabouret in her Los Angeles studio, with vibrant sketches for the new stained-glass windows she is designing for Notre-Dame’s southern bays.Credit...Tag Christof for The New York Times
Claire Tabouret in her Los Angeles studio, with vibrant sketches for the new stained-glass windows she is designing for Notre-Dame’s southern bays.Credit...克萊爾·塔伯萊 (Claire Tabouret) 在她的洛杉磯工作室裡,手拿她為巴黎聖母院南灣??設計的新彩色玻璃窗的生動草圖。
ImageCredit...Tag Christof for The New York Times
“The idea of using and reusing and transforming is part of the history of this building,” she said. “Each renovation does modify what was before. So it would be kind of weird to freeze it in time.”
“We have to trust our art,” she added, “the same way every century before us trusted our artists.”
The interior architecture of the cathedral rises on three levels, illuminated by large stained glass windows. A double ambulatory is arranged around the nave. The Gothic style is characterized by its ribbed vaulting.
中殿是供信徒在禮拜儀式中使用的,需要巨大的空間來容納大量的信徒。它決定了建築物的尺寸。它從地面一直延伸到拱頂,構成了建築物的中心容器。巴黎聖母院的中殿建於1182年,共有四個開間。 1208 年,建造西立面時暫停施工,1218 年又恢復施工。隔間對應於每個柱子之間的空間。前兩個開間支撐建築物直至塔樓,同時也作為通過門洞後的過渡。柱子、拱廊、壁柱和圓柱增強了垂直效果。這些垂直線條被拱廊和柱頭水平打破。垂直和水平之間的這種規則節奏賦予了中殿極大的和諧感View
The Nave
Reserved for the faithful during services, the nave requires a vast space to accommodate a large number of worshippers. It determines the dimensions of the building. Raised from the ground to the vaults, it forms the central vessel of the building. The construction of the nave of Notre-Dame began in 1182 with four bays. After a pause to build the west facade in 1208, construction resumed in 1218. It consists of ten bays. A bay corresponds to the space between each pillar. The first two bays support the building up to the towers and also serve as a transition after passing through the portal. Pillars, arcades, pilasters, and columns accentuate the effect of verticality. These verticals are broken horizontally by arcades and capitals. This regular rhythm between verticals and horizontals gives the nave great harmony.
1a=bay window 1