Thursday, October 29, 2020

Matthew 5: 1~11

Mathew 5:3
Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (kjv)
5:3 虛心的人有福了.因為天國是他們的。(合和)

Matthew 5

King James Version

5 And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain: and when he was set, his disciples came unto him:

2 And he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying,

3 Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

4 Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.

5 Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.

6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

7 Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.

8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.

9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

11 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.

5:1 耶穌看見這許多的人、就上了山、既已坐下、門徒到他跟前來。
5:2 他就開口教訓他們說、
5:3 虛心的人有福了.因為天國是他們的。
5:4 哀慟的人有福了.因為他們必得安慰。
5:5 溫柔的人有福了.因為他們必承受地土。

5:6 飢渴慕義的人有福了.因為他們必得飽足。
5:7 憐恤人的人有福了.因為他們必蒙憐恤。
5:8 清心的人有福了.因為他們必得見 神。
5:9 使人和睦的人有福了.因為他們必稱為 神的兒子。
5:10 為義受逼迫的人有福了.因為天國是他們的。

5:11 人若因我辱罵你們、逼迫你們、捏造各樣壞話毀謗你們、你們就有福了。

Thursday, October 22, 2020

我實在告訴你們:凡你們對我這些最小兄弟中的一個所做的,就是對我做的。馬太福音:Chapter 25:40。Good King Wenceslas


The Oxford Dictionary of  Saints

*19th century English hymn "Good King Wenceslas" by John Mason Neale performed by a traditional choir with lyrics. Visit my blog at "When Suffering Doesn't Stop: Life With Chronic Pain." Although most of the comments made here were polite and kind, as though written by normal people who simply enjoyed music, many of comments were becoming increasingly abusive. It's easy be a bully online because one doesn't get slapped in the face. Most of us feel worse when we make others feel bad. It's called "empathy," and THAT is normal. Anyway, I've disabled all comments. Remember: DON'T FEED THE TROLLS! They just get bigger and uglier.

分享了 1 則動態回顧。

這是著名的蘇格蘭插畫家潔西・金 (Jessie M. King)為J. M. 尼爾在十九世紀中葉所創作的聖誕詩歌《善王瓦茲拉夫》(Good King Wenceslas) *所繪製的插畫,由利奧波德・希爾公司出版於1920年。

歷史上的瓦茲拉夫 (Wenceslas) 出生於西元907年的波希米亞,歿於929年。他因受到其祖母柳德米拉的影響篤信了基督宗教,貴族們因反對基督宗教而將柳德米拉殺害。成為國王以後的瓦茲拉夫將貴族們剷除,並擴展了基督宗教的力量。不久後,反基督教派慫恿其弟波雷拉夫,將瓦茲拉夫暗殺。之後,瓦茲拉夫和其祖母柳德米拉以殉教者的身份位列聖人。


瑪竇福音:Chapter 25


Monday, October 19, 2020

holy. tabernacle. curtain, sacrosanct, sanctity,



tab • er • nac • le
tabernacles (複数形)
1 ((しばしばT-))仮の住まい(テント・小屋など);住居.
2 《ユダヤ教》幕屋(まくや)〈《聖書》出エジプト記25-27〉;礼拝所[堂].
3 (聖像・聖者像を安置する)天蓋(てんがい)つき壁龕(へきがん);(聖体を保存する)聖櫃(せいひつ).
4 (霊魂が仮に宿る)肉体,身体.
[教会ラテン語tabernāculum (taberna小屋+-culum指小辞). △TAVERN

Sukkot or Succot (Hebrew: סוכות‎‎ or סֻכּוֹת, sukkōt), in traditional Ashkenazi pronunciation Sukkos or Succos, literally Feast of Booths, is commonly translated to English as Feast of Tabernacles, sometimes also as Feast of the Ingathering.

tabernacle – a portable shrine – is a boxwood microcarving. Curator Dora Thornton reveals the intricacies and mechanisms of this incredible piece of carving.
See it on display in a new gallery as part of the ‪#‎Waddesdon‬ Bequest
Miniature boxwood
 黃楊木 tabernacle containing scenes from the Life and Passion of Christ. Flemish, about 1500-1530.

Tabernacle of Cherves | ca. 1220-1230 | French
「 The accomplished openwork medallions in this tabernacle depict events following the Crucifixion, including the Holy Women at the tomb on Easter Sunday (center left) and the Doubting of Thomas (upper right).

Featured Artwork of the Day: Tabernacle of Cherves | ca. 1220-1230 | French 」

The theatre at Athens is not open night by night, nor even day by day. Dramatic performances take place only at certain high festivals of Dionysos in winter and spring. It is, again, as though the modern theatre was open only at the festivals of the Epiphany and of Easter. Our modern, at least our Protestant, custom is in direct contrast. We 12tend on great religious festivals rather to close than to open our theatres. Another point of contrast is in the time allotted to the performance. We give to the theatre our after-dinner hours, when work is done, or at best a couple of hours in the afternoon. The theatre is for us a recreation. The Greek theatre opened at sunrise, and the whole day was consecrated to high and strenuous religious attention. During the five or six days of the great Dionysia, the whole city was in a state of unwonted sanctity, under a taboo. To distrain a debtor was illegal; any personal assault, however trifling, was sacrilege.



Regarded as sacred and inviolable.

[Latin sacrōsānctus, consecrated with religious ceremonies : sacrō, ablative of sacrum, religious rite (from neuter of sacer, sacred; see sacred) + sānctus, past participle of sancīre, to consecrate.]

sacrosanctity sac'ro·sanc'ti·ty (-săngk'tĭ-tē) n.



[動]《法律》(他)〈動産を〉差し押さえる, 担保にとる;…の差し押さえの処置をとる.

━━(自)(物件を)差し押さえる((on, upon ...)).


1 神聖なもの[所]を汚すこと, 神物冒涜(ぼうとく), 教会[神社]荒らし, 聖物盗み.

2 ((話))(一般に)冒涜(行為).

1 [U]清浄, 高潔(さ).

2 [U]((形式))神聖(さ), 尊厳(性).

3 ((-ties))神聖な義務[感情];神聖なもの.


adj., -li·er, -li·est. 
Belonging to, derived from, or associated with a divine power; sacred. 
Regarded with or worthy of worship or veneration; revered: a holy book. 
Living according to a strict or highly moral religious or spiritual system; saintly: a holy person. 
Specified or set apart for a religious purpose: a holy place. 
Solemnly undertaken; sacrosanct: a holy pledge. 
Regarded as deserving special respect or reverence: The pursuit of peace is our holiest quest. 
Informal. Used as an intensive: raised holy hell over the mischief their children did. 

[Middle English holi, from Old English hālig.]

holily ho'li·ly adv.

holiness ho'li·ness n.

前幾天請教小讀者(丁丁)感嘆辭 holy smoke (2009年補: 此為Oxford American Dictionary之一例),謝謝他給詳盡的說明:西方人因時地制宜,holy之後可以加許多東西來表示驚嘆。

我用一表示「特殊地方」(a very special place )幽默語(humorous)

the holy of holies 謝謝;它的用例:;

The holy of holies is the most special part of a religious building.

This football stadium is the holy of holies to many fans.

小讀者(丁丁) 很serious, 留言道:「

在"正式"的宗教意義上,,此(the holy of holies)即猶太教的"至聖所" (東正教亦有此設),只有大祭司才能進去。
當年至聖所內放的便是約櫃。約櫃內即十誡二石板 。」


昨/前天,hc留言:『「米蘭.昆德拉,四月初也在法國出版了最新的隨筆集《帷幕》(Le rideau)。書中昆德拉談小說、談創作、也論及他對許多世界傑出小說家的作品的思考。」

這法文 rideau是否有典故?』


歐巴桑 留言:「關於昆德拉的窗簾,從法國網站上找到的:




----yahoo!與Source: Brewer's Dictionary.

【物】 簾,窗簾;幕狀物;(幕狀的)間隔,遮蔽物

《例句》 draw the curtain 拉窗簾(指拉開、拉上均可).

【事】 開幕,閉幕;幕啟;幕落;落幕前的效果[台詞,場面]

【事】 落幕後觀眾要求演員謝幕的呼聲 ; 【俚】 末日,死

【物】 (舞台上的)幕,帷幕


• The curtain rises [falls]. 幕啟[落],開演[演出結束];(事情)開始[結束]

• The curtain has fallen on this matter. 那件事情已結束了

• raise [drop] the curtain 啟[落]幕,開演[演出結束];公佈[隱瞞](某件事情).

To ring down the curtain. To bring a matter to an end. A theatrical term. When the act or play is over, the bell rings and the green curtain comes down.

"A few more matters of routine will be accomplished, and then the curtain will be rung down on the Session of 1891." - Newspaper Paragraph, July 27th, 1891.

. 【物】 【軍】 彈幕

Curtain (The). In fortification, the line of rampart which joins together the flanks of two "bastions" ( q.v.). 【城】 (連接兩個稜堡、塔樓等的)幕牆

The sacred curtain, separating the holy of holies from the sanctuary, is designated by a different Hebrew word (peroketh). It is described as a "veil of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen of cunning work" (Ex. 26:31; Lev. 16:2; Num. 18:7).

出 埃 及 記 Exodus 26:30 [hb5] 要照著在山上指示你的樣式、立起帳幕。

[kjv] And thou shalt rear up the tabernacle according to the fashion thereof which was shewed thee in the mount.
[bbe] And you are to make the House from the design which you saw on the mountain.

26:31 [hb5] 你要用藍色紫色朱紅色線、和撚的細麻、織幔子.


[kjv] And thou shalt make a vail of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen of cunning work: with cherubims shall it be made:

[bbe] And you are to make a veil of the best linen, blue and purple and red, worked with designs of winged ones by a good workman:

26:32 [hb5] 要把幔子挂在四根包金的皂莢木柱子上、柱子上當有金鉤、柱子安在四個帶卯的銀座上。

[kjv] And thou shalt hang it upon four pillars of shittim wood overlaid with gold: their hooks shall be of gold, upon the four sockets of silver.

[bbe] Hanging it by gold hooks from four pillars of wood, plated with gold and fixed in silver bases.

26:33 [hb5] 要使幔子垂在鉤子下、把法櫃抬進幔子內、這幔子要將聖所和至聖所隔開。

[kjv] And thou shalt hang up the vail under the taches, that thou mayest bring in thither within the vail the ark of the testimony: and the vail shall divide unto you between the holy place and the most holy.

[bbe] And you are to put up the veil under the hooks, and put inside it the ark of the law: the veil is to be a division between the holy place and the most holy.

26:34 [hb5] 又要把施恩座安在至聖所內的法櫃上。

[kjv] And thou shalt put the mercy seat upon the ark of the testimony in the most holy place.

[bbe] You are to put the cover on the ark of the law, inside the most holy place.


利 未 記 Leviticus16:2 [hb5] 要告訴你哥哥亞倫、不可隨時進聖所的幔子內、到櫃上的施恩座前、免得他死亡、因為我要從雲中顯現在施恩座上.

[kjv] And the LORD said unto Moses, Speak unto Aaron thy brother, that he come not at all times into the holy place within the vail before the mercy seat, which is upon the ark; that he die not: for I will appear in the cloud upon the mercy seat.

[bbe] The Lord said to Moses, Say to Aaron, your brother, that he may not come at all times into the holy place inside the veil, before the cover which is on the ark, for fear that death may overtake him; for I will be seen in the cloud on the cover of the ark.


民 數 記 Numbers 18:7 [hb5] 你和你的兒子要為一切屬壇和幔子內的事、一同守祭司的職任、你們要這樣供職、我將祭司的職任給你們當作賞賜、事奉我.凡挨近的外人必被治死。

[kjv] Therefore thou and thy sons with thee shall keep your priest's office for everything of the altar, and within the vail; and ye shall serve: I have given your priest's office unto you as a service of gift: and the stranger that cometh nigh shall be put to death.

[bbe] And you and your sons with you are to be responsible as priests for the altar and everything on it, and everything inside the veil; you are to do the work of priests; I have given you your position as priests; and any other man who comes near will be put to death.