Friday, August 28, 2020

Erich Fromm (1900~1980) Fight Against Idols:談宗教、猶太教、聖經

 Erich Fromm (1900~1980)稍晚期的書*,大部分都有漢譯 (志文出版社等,Wikipedia 中文版說說的未翻譯的書,一半都有中文本),從60年代末到80年代中,影響我們至深。他的書常談到宗教或聖經中的故事。

*Later works in English[edit]

Wikipedia 中文版
弗洛姆從小學習《塔木德經》(猶太教的法典),人生觀受其影響深遠。年輕時他跟隨猶太教祭司J. Horowitz學習《聖經》,後來在海德堡大學修讀社會學博士時跟隨祭司Salman Baruch Rabinkow學習 。在法蘭克福讀書時又跟隨過Nehemia Nobel和Ludwig Krause。弗洛姆的祖父及其兩個哥哥都是祭司,一個舅公是著名的《塔木德經》學者。然而在1926年,弗洛姆離開正統猶太教,轉向以人本主義解釋《聖經》的典範。
除了純粹譴責權威主義的價值體系,弗氏也把亞當與夏娃的故事作為比喻,以解釋人類不安的情緒。亞當夏娃吃了知識樹的果實,他們意識到當自己仍然是大自然的一部分,自己與大自然已不再是一體。於是他們覺得 「赤裸」和「羞愧」。他們已經進化成人類,意識到自己,意識到道德價值,意識到面對大自然和外部世界的巨大力量帶來的無力感,不再是與自然為一體,只有動物本能的那個「準人類」。按照弗洛姆,罪惡感和羞愧源於人意識到人和自然、人和人之間存在的割裂性。要解決這種存在的分裂,唯有發揮人類的積極力量和創造性——理性

Erich Seligmann Fromm (/frɒm/German: [fʁɔm]; March 23, 1900 – March 18, 1980) was a social psychologistpsychoanalystsociologisthumanistic philosopher, and democratic socialist. He was a German Jew who fled the Nazi regime and settled in the US. He was one of the Founders of The William Alanson White Institute of Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis and Psychology in New York City and was associated with the Frankfurt School of critical theory.[2][n 1]


Fight Against Idols

Erich Fromm on Religion, Judaism and the Bible

Erich Fromm (1900-80) was a famous psychoanalyst, social critic and author of bestsellers like Escape from Freedom and The Art of Loving. But he was also very interested in religion. Having been brought up as an orthodox Jew he abandoned institutionalized religion as a young man. But he was influenced for life by the Talmudic studies of his childhood. Later in life he met and was enriched by Buddhism and mysticism. In this book the author analyzes what Fromm thought about religion, how he expressed his ambiguous feelings about Judaism, and his radical interpretation of the Bible. This is a book about a fascinating man with views that challenge both believers and atheists. 


4. Fromm and the Bible 4.1. View of the Bible Fromm was brought up with the Bible. He read it; he loved it; he was influenced by it for the rest of his life. In his seventies Fromm said in an interview: "There have been three, four, five books in my life that have made me what I am. First of all come the books of the prophets. Notice that I do not say the 'Old Testament'. When I was young, I did not detest the military accounts of the conquest of Canaan as much as I do now. But even then I didn't like them, and I doubt that I read them more than once or twice. But the prophetic books and the psalms, especially the prophetic books, were and still are an inexhaustible source of vitality for me." 1 And when, a short time before his death, he was asked what basic values should guide us, his answer was: Read the Bible! 2 That Fromm was familiar with and influenced by the Bible can also be seen from the fact that he frequently quoted it and used biblical expressions, not only when dealing with religious topics but also in other contexts. But what did he really think of the Bible? First of all, the Bible - by which we here mean the Jewish Bible, i.e. the Old Testament- was for Fromm a revolutionary book, dealing with and aiming at the liberation of man, a book with a vision...

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