Saturday, September 5, 2020

The Great Code: The Bible and Literature By Northrop Frye, 1982/2006 全集 19 註解本: 《偉大的代碼:聖經與文學》(1998)

The Great Code: The Bible and Literature By Northrop Frye, 1982 初版之後,到2006年出版註解本(全集 19 Alvin A. Lee主編,增加百來頁,25開本?,380頁  )
到2006年,全世界各地有17種翻譯本,包括北京大學出版社1998年的譯本《偉大的代碼:聖經與文學》 (290頁,32開,1995年由加拿大政府資助,成立"諾斯洛普‧弗萊研究叢書編委會",可能出版7~8本,待查)

1982年出版商為 Northrop Frye的兩本"聖經與文學"的書所設計的8辮 (Rose window :玫瑰花窗:此種水晶花窗多用於哥德式大教堂。)的"生生不息"意義之簡介,如下:

Amazon 日本的簡介本

The Great CodeThe Bible and Literature

University of Toronto Press2006/01/01 - 380頁

Considered by many to be Northrop Frye's magnum opus, The Great Code (1982) reflects a lifetime of thinking about the patterns and meanings of the Bible. In this new edition of The Great Code, Alvin A. Lee presents a corrected and fully annotated version of Frye's text, as well as a comprehensive introduction to help contextualize this important work and guide readers through its allusive passages. Lee's introduction provides a synoptic account of the role of the Bible in Frye's intellectual and spiritual odyssey, as well as a description of how The Great Code as a book came into existence, and an introductory critique of the shape and meaning of the book's argument.
The Great Code is culturally allusive to a high degree. It takes much of its inspiration from the Bible itself, including a profusion of biblical passages, but also from the author's extensive reading of a host of other texts from ancient times until the late twentieth century. Lee's extensive annotation illustrates, beyond question, that Frye's knowledge of the Bible and how it has worked in Western culture was at once profound and visionary. This new edition not only re-presents Frye's text in a clear, correct, and fully annotated form, it goes a long way in helping us understand the widespread scholarly and popular reception that met this extraordinary and in some ways revolutionary book and how it can still be richly rewarding for readers.

The Collected Works of Northrop Frye, Vol. 19: “The Secular Scripture” and Other Writings on Critical Theory, 1976–1991

著者について (2006)

Alvin A. Lee is a professor emeritus in the Department of English at McMaster University, a research associate at Victoria College in the University of Toronto, and general editor of the Collected Works of Northrop Frye .

1982/2006都有附一張William Blake 的the Book of Job 插圖 第15張,1982年取美國摩根圖書館藏本,2006本改為 Northrop Frye 於1906年自用版 (無版權) ,《偉大的代碼:聖經與文學》(1998)無插圖。

Behemoth and Leviathan Behold now Behemoth which I made with thee
(Job 40:15)

約伯傳:Chapter 40


William Blake's Illustrations of the Book of Job primarily refers to a series of twenty-two engraved prints (published 1826) by Blake illustrating the biblical Book of Job.

Detail of watercolour illustrating Behemoth and Leviathan, upon which plate 15 of the engravings was based.

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